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The European Researcher’s Night took place on Friday 28th 2018 at the TGM Wien, where Michaela Haßmann and Seraphina Stöger presented the finished...


Dr. Stöckl attended the World Conference of Performance Analysis of Sport XII in Opatija, Croatia, 19.-24.9.2018.


Elderely living on their own - easy game for sports clubs?


Prof. Baca and Dr. Kornfeind visited the Human Movement Laboratory of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of the Charles University in Prague....


Stelle als StudienassistentIn zu besetzen

Im Arbeitsbereich Biomechanik/Bewegungswissenschaft und Sportinformatik am Institut für Sportwissenschaft der Universität Wien ist ab 01. Oktober 2018...


New paper

Reliability of joint kinematic calculations based on direct kinematic and inverse kinematic models in obese children