Te(a)chIn Sport – 2nd Meeting of the project partners in Vienna


The second meeting of the academic steering committee took place at the Institute for Sport Science from 23 – 24 of May, 2017. Representatives from all partner institutions (University of Vienna, University of West Hungary, Youth in Science and Business Foundation (Estonia), Goce Delcev University (Macedonia), Krefjandi Island and Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski) attended the meeting. The project focusses on the sportive behaviour of students. The aim is to increase their motivation towards doing sports through the use of modern technology.

The second meeting of all cooperation partners of this EU funded project took place at the Centre for Sport Science and University Sports. Points of the project already met as well as milestones for the next months were discussed and determined. In addition to the formal conversations and discussions in the meeting room, the participants enjoyed the opportunity to get to talking during a barbecue. Moreover, there was a demonstration of the application of potential technology. Finally, there was enough time left for our international guests to do some sightseeing and to enjoy the beautiful city of Vienna.

All in all the meeting was a great success for all participants.