Psychomotricity in School

Development, implementation and evaluation of psychomotor learning and teaching methods in primary school and in the New Secondary School (Neue Mittelschule)

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.
Pablo Picasso

The current educational system focuses predominantly on extrinsic motivational factors. Nevertheless, it has been scientifically proven that extrinsic motivational factors – meaning those which rely on a system of external rewards and punishments – are less effective and less conducive to the students’ character-building and self-esteem compared to intrinsic motivational factors. Good learning outcomes are primarily to be expected when the students’ motivation is based on autonomy rather than heteronomy.

Psychomotor learning and teaching methods intend to strengthen intrinsic motivation. This is the inner motivation and curiosity of the students, leading them to create their own ideas and to make their own, autonomous decisions on what to do, based on what they like and enjoy, and what they find meaningful. A learning culture based on intrinsic motivation builds upon improved social relationships between teachers and students, meaning that the needs and interests of the students are respected. Above all, the need to move has to be taken into account in the classroom. Movement is the engine for the students’ mental and physical development. Things learned while moving or in connection with movement will be memorised more easily and for a longer period of time.