Invited Lectures 2015

17. Mai 2015:  Elbasan, Albanien: “Intermediate Progress Report Tempus Speed Project" (Meeting 16-18th May, 2015)

18. April 2015: Wien, Österreich 1. Symposium Active Ageing: „Use it or Lose it – Der ständige Kampf gegen Muskelabbau

10. April 2015: Bratislava , Slovakia – Annual Conference for Sports Medicine and Sport Science: “Resistance Exercise with Blood-Flow Restriction – An Effective Method to Induce Gains in Muscle Mass

19.-21. März 2015: Universe - University College Bardosh, Kosovo: “Exercise Assessment and Program Design for Fitness and Health”

5. Feb 2015: Athen, Griechenland Tempus Speed Project (Meeting 01-06th Feb, 2015) “Sport Professions in Albania, Kosovo and Serbia – Survey Report. EU

09.-11. Jänner 2015: AAB University College Fushe Kosova, Kosovo: “Resistance Exercise Training: Health- and Performance Effects”